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Rayleigh Primary School

Respecting ourselves, others and our future

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How is staff mental health supported?


Well-being and Mental Health Policy in school. 


Teachers are given extra training to help them support all children's emotions in class through Trauma-Informed Practice Training.


The mental health lead updates staff on well-being updates. 


Regularly wellbeing training sessions are delivered on a termly basis.


Staff meetings only happen when they are needed. We are always questioning why? Could this be an email?


Rayleigh Primary School has a "talking" culture, where any teachers can come and talk to any members of the Senior Leadership Team.


Peer2Peer support given to headteacher and leaders via Education Support. 


The Rayleigh Well-being team is a group of staff who are are advocates for staff well-being. Promoting time to talk, group coaching, weekend wind down sessions and social events for staff. 


Work Life Balance strategies have been implemented and are consistently reminded during staff meetings to help the workload and hours worked.


Clear Strategy on how staff can report any concerns they might have with their class.
