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Rayleigh Primary School

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PE at Rayleigh Primary

At Rayleigh Primary, we are passionate about the positive impact that sports and an active lifestyle have on our physical and mental wellbeing. 


PE timetable 

Bumblebees: Thursday 

Ladybirds: Tuesday
Year 1 Jet: Friday (both sessions) 

Year 1 Diamond: Tuesday and Friday

Year 2 Sapphire: Tuesday and Wednesday 

Year 2 Emerald: Tuesday and Wednesday 

Year 3 Jade: Monday and Tuesday 

Year 3 Opal: Monday and Thursday 

Year 4 Amber: Monday and Wednesday  

Year 4 Moonstone: Monday and Wednesday  

Year 5 Onyx: Monday and Thursday 

Year 5 Aquamarine: Thursday and Friday

Year 6 Amethyst: Monday and Thursday  

Year 6 Beryl: Tuesday and Thursday


Children should come to school in PE kits on their PE days. Please check our uniform information


(Nursery pupils do not need to wear PE kit but should wear comfortable clothing and active-style footwear each day.)


Year 1-6 Swimming Timetable (from 30th September)


Year 1 Jet: Wednesday

Year 1 Diamond: Tuesday 

Year 2 Sapphire: Wednesday 

Year 2 Emerald: Wednesday 

Year 3 Jade: Tuesday 

Year 3 Opal: Tuesday

Year 4 Amber: Thursday 

Year 4 Moonstone: Thursday

Year 5 Onyx: Monday

Year 5 Aquamarine: Monday

Year 6 Amethyst: Friday

Year 6 Beryl: Friday


Please ensure that your child has the appropriate swimming attire ready for the lessons. This must include a swimming costume (shorts or costume- two piece allowed) and a swim hat. Goggles are optional; please send a pair if your child wishes to wear them. We recommend that all items are clearly labelled with your child's name to prevent any mix-ups. If there are any problems sourcing a kit, please let us know and we will do our best to support you.  If your child has their ears pierced please ensure earrings are removed before they swim. If this is not possible a waiver form will need to be completed which can be obtained from the school office.


RPS Swimming Pool

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Come and view our amazing swimming pool. We use this facility all year round.