Design Technology
Design Technology
At Rayleigh Primary School, we want our children to be inspired to be the next generation of makers and doers! Our children receive a Design Technology education designed to stimulate their creativity and problem-solving skills through designing and making exciting, functional products. Children are inspired to think like engineers, designers, chefs and architects to enable them to develop skills that they can take into future careers as well as into everyday life.
We follow the Kapow scheme of work for Design Technology. The scheme aims to inspire pupils to be innovative and creative thinkers who have an appreciation for the product design cycle through design, creation and evaluation. The scheme splits Design Technology into topic areas: mechanisms, cooking, structures, textiles and the digital world.
Design Technology is taught as a discrete subject (alternating half-termly with Art) and classes focus on a specific topic or project at a time. Lessons build on prior knowledge and skills and technical vocabulary is a strong focus throughout, enabling our pupils to communicate clearly and directly, using ‘Design and Technology language’. Our teachers have access to training materials specific to the scheme to ensure that the delivery of lessons is consistently high-quality.
Children are passionate about Design and Technology at Rayleigh Primary School, and engagement is high across all year groups. Products created by the children are of high quality and show a broad range of practical skills. Progression in the children’s understanding of aesthetic, social and environmental issues, as well as functions and industrial practices - including meaningful evaluation - are evidenced in their books through their product planning and evaluative comments.