Constantly being reviewed, these policies guide our practice at Rayleigh Primary School.
As part of the Schools for Every Child, we also draw upon their policies when the legal duty lies with the employer. Paper copies of information provided on the website will be provided on request, free of charge.
- Accessibility Plan 2023.docx.pdf
- Admissions-Policy..pdf
- Anti-Bullying Policy.docx.pdf
- Assessment Policy.pdf
- Attendance Policy.docx.pdf
- Behaviour Policy 24 25.docx.pdf
- Child Protection Policy.pdf
- Collection and Walking Home Policy.pdf
- Communications strategy external.pdf
- Complaints and Concerns Policy.pdf
- Educational Visits Policy.pdf
- Equality and Inclusion Statement 2023.pdf
- Equality Objectives
- EYFS Policy 2023 .pdf
- Extremism Policy.pdf
- Lone Working Policy.pdf
- Managing Allergies.pdf
- Maths Policy.pdf
- Online Safety Policy .pdf
- Prevent Action Plan and Risk Assessment.pdf
- Pupil Premium Policy.docx.pdf
- RPS Home School Agreement - Sept 2023.pdf
- RPS Relationships and Sex Education Policy.pdf
- RPS Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy - September 2023.docx.pdf
- SEND Information Report (1).pdf
- SEND Policy.docx (1).pdf
- Volunteering Policy .docx.pdf
- Whistleblowing-Policy..pdf