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Rayleigh Primary School

Respecting ourselves, others and our future

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Schools for Every Child has different levels of Governance.

Members - The top level of governance over the whole trust.

Trustees - This is the strategic board for the whole trust.

Local School Board - This is our school board of governors. 

Local School Board

Rayleigh Primary School is supported by a Local School Board (LSB). Those elected to the school board serve in a voluntary capacity. They are either elected by the parents or their fellow teachers or are co-opted.

The post of clerk to the LSB is reconfirmed annually, as are the appointments of the chair and vice-chair.


The chair is Mr Gary Rogers and the vice-chair is Mr Matthew O'Leary. 


Local School Board Membership
Mr. G RogersChair Co-opted Governor
Mr. M O'Leary Vice-ChairCo-opted Governor
Mrs. L Maughan Co-opted Governor
Mr. P Dudmish Co-opted Governor
Mrs. L Swindell Parent Governor

Mrs. Z Tebbutt

 Parent Governor
Mrs J Roberts Headteacher
Mrs. J Pickering Link Trustee
Mr K Leeman Staff


Terms of Office:

Co-opted Governors - 4 years

Elected Parent Governors - 3 years

Elected Staff Governors - 1 year


Pecuniary Interests: None


The Local School Board are responsible for:


  • Helping establish (with the headteacher) the aims and policies of the school
  • Determining how standards can be maintained and improved
  • Deciding the conduct of the school
  • Helping to draw up (with the Headteacher and staff) the school development plan
  • Helping to decide how to spend the school’s budget
  • Making sure the National Curriculum and RE are taught
  • Appointing, promoting and supporting staff
  • Acting as a link between the local community and the school
  • Drawing up an action plan after inspection and monitoring its progress


The school board currently meets once each term to conduct the general business of the school. 


