Contact Details
Should you have any queries, in the first instance, please contact Mrs Saunders, Mrs Grylls, Mrs Pegler or Mrs Searles (our admin team), using the details below. We look forward to hearing from you.
Rayleigh Primary School
Love Lane
Tel: 01268 775712
email -
Headteacher - Mrs Jennifer Roberts
Chair of the Local School Board - Mr Gary Rogers
Email -
Rayleigh Primary School is in the middle of Rayleigh, easily accessible from the High Street car parks and bus stops, and is just a ten minute walk up the hill from the railway station.
The Schools for every child Trust is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales with company number 08445314.
The registered office is at Rayleigh Primary School, Love Lane, Rayleigh, Essex. SS6 7DD.