An Eco-School
ECO-School Award
The Eco-School Award is designed to make children more environmentally aware. The focus is to teach children that many of the world's resources are finite and as the global population increases, we are using these valuable finite resources up at a faster and faster rate. Such resources as oil, gas and coal are commonly referred to as they supply much of our energy needs. In fact, energy continues to be drawn from finite resources whether it be from nuclear or shale gas. This award asks children to consider the renewable technologies and their benefits.
Yet it is more than energy sources, we need our children to develop a more considered approach to goods and waste. Metals are a finite resource and plastics are derived from oils already defined as a finite resource. Waste requires disposal and the world is running out of places to dispose of rubbish. If we wish to avoid being surrounded by scrap heaps and rubbish dumps, our children need to avoid making some of the mistakes we have made.
We began this award many years ago and worked with schools across Europe on the project, 'From the Waste Basket'. This taught children the value of recycling, now made very popular through many reusing, reducing and recycling television programmes. We have moved on to sorting our rubbish with different coloured bin in the school for different materials. As we progress, we are looking at how science can be used to generate sustainability.
If you would like to know more about this award please click the following link.