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Rayleigh Primary School

Respecting ourselves, others and our future

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Letters Home

Rayleigh Mill Arts Centre - summer family programme

U9s Girls Football Team

Class Allocations from Sept 24

Year 6 Echo Supplement

Jack of All Sports Holiday Camps

Year 1 trip to Call of the Wild Zoo

TheSchoolApp - user guide

3 for 2 Book Sale 4th - 7th June

The Deanes - Holiday camps flyer

Junior Music Festival - Choir families only

Who framed the Easter Bunny flyer

Year 4 Layer Marney Trip

Monster Phonics Reading Letter - R, Y1 & Y2

Y6 PGL Residential trip - Final Information

Changes to fines for term-time holidays (from August 2024)

Changes and Developments letter

Year 5 only - residential 2025

Year 6 PGL Kit List (NB no phones allowed)

Y2 Colchester Zoo Trip

Enrichment Clubs - Summer 2024

Swimming letter

Year 6 Sex Education letter

Trust Letter

Monster Phonics Scheme Letter

World Book Day Book Review

4th & 5th Jan 2024 - RPS

School Timings Letter

Zones Poster

Deanes Sports

Measles Information from Essex County Council

Year 3 Poetry Performance Letter

Consultation School Timings Letter

Spring Diary dates
